The blog ofJonathan Pepin

Notes from How To Win Friends And Influence People (Self-Improvement Series) [raw]


"My popularity, my happiness and sense of worth depend to no small extent upon my skill in dealing with people." ## Part 1 - Fundamental Techniques In Handling People When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing...

Notes from Deep Work by Cal Newport [raw]


β€œIn my retiring room I am by myself,” Jung said Deep Work: Professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard...

React is NOT the new jQuery (Vue is)


I've heard a few people argue that "React is the new jQuery". I think this is plain wrong on so many levels and I want to touch on two specific points. ## jQuery was (and is) great A few years...



this post is still a draft as I'm working on the examples design and ux We don't often think (or know) about it, but our everyday use of numbers is only one representation of values amongst many. If I ask...

Migrate Rails 5 from Sqlite3 to Postgres on Ubuntu 16


Prepare Rails and local environment First, let's install postgres. On Mac, brew install postgres should do the trick. On other systems, looks at the Postgres official install page ( Then, switch the Rails app to using Postgres. In your Gemfile,...

Automated Deploys for Rails 5, Puma, NGINX, Ubuntu 16 with Capistrano on Digital Ocean.


What is the problem 1. Local and Prod work differently. Once you have a Rails app working locally, a lot of setup has to be done to get the app in production 2. PaaS like Heroku automate everything for...

Managing Configs and Secrets


Although this post will use Flask for examples, this applies pretty much to any environment. ## Why do you need a config? ### Configs allow you to keep things DRY One of the most known concepts in software engineering is...

Notes from Ogilvy On Advertising [raw]


Raw Kindle notes for Ogilvy On Advertising by David Ogilvy ( I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information. Consumers still buy products whose advertising promises them value for money, beauty, nutrition,...

Levels - Turning side project into startups [raw]


travel is expensive, need money * depressed when going back home bc no more money * shovelling allows to cope with depression -> 12 startups in 12 months * nomad list was a shared spreadsheet by mistake, now big...

Docker Overview


|term|comment| |---|---| |Docker image /assets/images/docker-image.png image|Lightweight, executable snapshop of an application to run. Holds code, env, libs, runtime, config files, etc.| |Docker Container /assets/images/docker-container.png container|Executed, running image. Runs completely isolated from host environment.| |Docker Kernel /assets/images/docker-kernel.png Kernel|One Docker Kernel per host. It's a...