The blog ofJonathan Pepin

Server-generated Javascript Responses


DHH wrote an article ( on Signal vs Noice on Server-generated Javascript Responses, which reminded of how to write good and unobstructive javascript in Rails. I'm not gonna lie, it's exactly what I learnt at DevBootcamp, but I feel like I...

Big-O - Algorithms' Time Complexity


One of the most important thing to think about when developping an algorithm is its time complexity. Or, in other words, how long this algorithm will take to run, depending on the size of the data. When analysing an algorithm's...

"Google's Software Development Best Practices"


The famous monorepo Most of Google's source code is hosted into a single repository, accessible to all software engineers. Only 3 main exceptions: Chrome and Android have their own open sourced repo, and a few high-value or security-critical pieces...

Declare a class in Objective-C


Yesss I started to learn Objective-C. As usual, I will try to write about what I learn here, starting from the very basic, and hopefully writing some more interesting stuff sooner or later! Something really confusing coming from Ruby, or...

Ajax in Rails


Convention over configuration. How many times have I heard that. It's one of the core concept around which Rails is developed. And I think it's amazing. It is the exact reason why learning Rails is easier than most other programming...

Changing a Getter behavior for better polymorphism


Polymorphic associations are awesome. In rails, even better. It's so easy to use, there is no excuse to do without them. But sometimes, it's so easy and all pre-made for you, that it's tricky to decide how to play/modify some...

Post-login redirection to requested page with Devise


Often, the login redirection has a static redirection to say, rootpath or userpath. When a logged out user tries to access a page that requires to be logged in, it is better, for a good user experience, to dynamically redirect...

Empathy ain't useless! Learn it!


Now that I'm a mentor at DevBootcamp, I get to talk with a lot of learning developers, help them and see their final projects. Every single new graduation, my mind gets blown, not only by how good the projects are,...

I screwed up (big time)


At first when I tried it for the first time, I was scared. I didn't really know how it worked. I didn't really know how to do it. People around me showed me. I was totally out of confidence. Everytime...

Better methods, better performances


This is just a quick post to talk about how small changes can make a big difference. Sometimes, a simple change of built-in method can make a big difference in your application's performance, just because of the way it works,...